Prince Harry and Meghan are right to be concerned about their safety.

According to a royal analyst, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are entitled to be concerned about their safety in Britain.

Due to his important position and history, Richard Fitzwilliams told that Harry “undoubtedly need protection” when visiting the UK with his wife Meghan Markle and their two children.

He added: “The Duke of Susse**x’s concerns for safety are vindicated as one of the teenagers, called neo-Nazis, jailed for inciting terror attacks on the Duke and other targets has now been released,” after serving an 18-month detention and training order.

Harry has stated that he is unable to bring his family back to Britain because it is too risky without police protection. The Duke has launched a judicial review request against the Home Office’s decision not to allow him to pay for his own protection while in the UK.

“In a world where there are numerous examples of terror and extremism, a two-time veteran of Afghanistan who has been threatened by extremists, undoubtedly needs protection for himself and his family,” added Fitzwilliams.

“A case in Britain in June 2019, where one of the neo-Nazis sentenced who threatened Harry, would have already been released, highlights the concern he obviously feels.”

Another analyst stated that Prince Harry often placed his life on the line for the entire country in Afghanistan and “now wants to make sure he can safeguard his family and kids.”


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    i am a viral content, Indian web series, and Latest News reporter at asia. She was previously reporting for bureau and channel.

Viral Video

i am a viral content, Indian web series, and Latest News reporter at asia. She was previously reporting for bureau and channel.

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