PTI’s Proclaimed Offender List: Winners and Controversies Surrounding Recent Elections

Who Is Proclaimed Offender | Ishtehari Mulzim Kise Khte He
Who Is Proclaimed Offender | Ishtehari Mulzim Kise Khte He

Following the recent general elections in Pakistan, the political tableau has taken a convoluted turn. While a considerable number of independent candidates supported by Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have secured seats in the National Assembly, the election results are shrouded in controversy. Notably, many proclaimed offenders, accused in various cases, have managed to emerge as winners, adding complexity to the post-election scenario.

Key Victories Amid Accusations:

Mian Aslam Iqbal:

Despite being implicated in advertisements, Iqbal not only won a provincial assembly seat but has also been nominated by PTI as a candidate for the Chief Minister of Punjab.
Mian Aslam Iqbal

Ali Imtiaz Sheikh:

Another candidate under the shadow of advertisements, Sheikh secured a provincial assembly position, contributing to PTI’s electoral gains.

Sheikh Waqas Akram:

Despite facing accusations, Akram clinched both a National Assembly seat and saw his father, Sheikh Akram, triumph in the provincial assembly elections.

Controversial Figures and Allegations:

Hafiz Farhat:

Despite being a close associate of Imran Khan, Farhat, currently on the run, managed to win a seat, raising concerns about the legitimacy of his victory.

Zubair Niazi:

Niazi, despite losing the election, became a focal point of PTI’s allegations of rigging, further intensifying the post-election dispute.

Khalid Gujjar, Shabbir Gujjar, and Yasir Gilani:

The absence of these candidates, coupled with an electoral loss, fueled suspicions of irregularities, with PTI asserting foul play.
Ghulam Mohiuddin Dewan, Saeed Sidhu, and Others:

The involvement of candidates or their kin in advertisements didn’t deter them from participating in elections, leading PTI to claim victories amidst legal challenges.

Challenges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:

Ali Amin Gandapur:

Once a proclaimed offender, Gandapur resurfaced after obtaining bail, adding an intriguing dimension to the political landscape in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Former Ministers on Bail:

Prominent figures like Atif Khan, Taimur Jhagra, Kamran Bangash, Shaukat Yousafzai, and Fazal Elahi, though not in the limelight, are on bail in terrorism cases.

Balochistan and Sindh Dynamics:

PTI faced setbacks in Balochistan, failing to secure any seats in the provincial assembly. Sindh, however, did not witness victories by advertised leaders.

Legal Imperatives:

Legal experts emphasize the need for elected members facing allegations to surrender before taking oaths, emphasizing that their participation in the first assembly session depends on obtaining bail through the courts.


The aftermath of Pakistan’s recent elections has given rise to a complex web of winners and proclaimed offenders. As accusations reverberate and legal implications unfold, the trajectory of Pakistani politics in the upcoming days remains uncertain, hinging on the actions and decisions of the accused within the legal framework.


Q1: Who are the proclaimed offenders in PTI’s recent elections?

A1: Proclaimed offenders in PTI’s recent elections include figures like Hafiz Farhat, Zubair Niazi, Khalid Gujjar, Shabbir Gujjar, Yasir Gilani, Ghulam Mohiuddin Dewan, and others.

Q2: Did any accused candidates win in the elections despite being proclaimed offenders?

A2: Yes, Mian Aslam Iqbal, Ali Imtiaz Sheikh, and Sheikh Waqas Akram are examples of proclaimed offenders who won seats in the elections.

Q3: What legal challenges do elected members facing allegations face?

A3: Elected members facing allegations must surrender before the police before taking oath in the assembly. Failure to do so may bar them
from participating in the first assembly session until bail is obtained through the courts.

Q4: Who is Ali Amin Gandapur, and what is his current status?

A4: Ali Amin Gandapur, nominated Chief Minister, was once a proclaimed offender but has recently re-emerged after obtaining bail.

Q5: How did PTI fare in Balochistan and Sindh in the provincial assembly elections?

A5: PTI could not secure any seats in the Balochistan provincial assembly, and there were no reported instances of advertised leaders winning in Sindh.

Q6: Which elected members from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are on bail in terrorism cases?

A6: Former provincial ministers Atif Khan, Taimur Jhagra, Kamran Bangash, Shaukat Yousafzai, and Fazal Elahi are on bail in terrorism cases in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Q7: What is the stance of Tehreek-e-Insaf on the contested seats and allegations of rigging?

A7: Tehreek-e-Insaf alleges rigging in contested seats and maintains that it has won despite legal challenges and accusations.


  • Desi Viral Video

    I am a reporter covering viral content, Indian web series, and the latest news for in Asia. Before this, I worked as a reporter at the bureau and channel of

Desi Viral Video

I am a reporter covering viral content, Indian web series, and the latest news for in Asia. Before this, I worked as a reporter at the bureau and channel of

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