Hamas launches its heaviest attack on Israel to date and enters Israeli territory.

Today, in response to months of increasing violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has resulted in the highest number of fatalities in the West Bank in years, rockets from Gaza rained down on Israel.

Israel-Palestine And A History Of Conflict

Israel-Palestine And The Conflict’s History are described.

According to the Israeli military and medical personnel, thousands of rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza on Saturday, and Palestinian militants infiltrated Israel, killing at least one person.
After months of increasing violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has resulted in the highest number of fatalities in the West Bank, which Israel has occupied since the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict, rockets began raining down on Israel from Gaza at 6:30 a.m.

Hamas, a Palestinian organization, claimed responsibility for the rocket attack on Israel and stated that its members had fired more than 5,000 rockets.

The military wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, issued a statement saying, “We decided to put an end to all the crimes of the occupation (Israel). Their time of rampaging without being held accountable is over. “We announce Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and we fired, in the first strike of 20 minutes, more than 5,000 rockets.”

Israel Faces a Surge in Missiles and Rockets Over 5 Thousand Reported

Breaking News: Gaza rocket Fire Towards Israel

Historical Setting

Palestine, which was inhabited by a Jewish minority and an Arab majority, came under British rule after the Ottoman Empire was overthrown in World War I.

Tensions between the two groups increased when the international community assigned Britain the task of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

As many Jews fled persecution in Europe and looked for a homeland in the wake of the Holocaust, the number of Jews immigrating to Palestine significantly rose between the 1920s and the 1940s.

Arab and Jewish hostility increased, as did opposition to British rule. The partition of Palestine into independent Jewish and Arab states with international control over Jerusalem was approved by the UN in 1947. The Arab side rejected the plan, which was never put into action despite support from the Jewish leadership.

British officials withdrew from the region in 1948 after failing to put an end to the conflict, and Jewish leaders proclaimed the establishment of Israel. A war broke out after numerous Palestinians protested. Arab neighbors that are nearby intervened militarily. In what they refer to as Al Nakba, or “The Catastrophe,” hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were forcibly removed from their homes.

Battle and Peace

Israel and Palestine have engaged in a number of clashes over the years, some of which were minor and others which were catastrophic and resulted in the deaths of thousands.

Palestinian cleric Sheikh Ahmed Yassin established the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, a global Sunni Islamist organization, in 1987 under the name Hamas, which stands for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement).

Particularly the second intifada, which put an end to the peace process of the 1990s and ushered in a new era of conflict, had a significant impact on Israeli-Palestinian relations. Hamas was a participant in both intifadas.


  • Viral Video

    i am a viral content, Indian web series, and Latest News reporter at leakstime.com asia. She was previously reporting for etcnews.tv bureau and channel.

Viral Video

i am a viral content, Indian web series, and Latest News reporter at leakstime.com asia. She was previously reporting for etcnews.tv bureau and channel.

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